【免费】哈佛商学院教研人员工作论文(working papers)
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◆ University of Michigan Business School
◆ Federal Reserve Board: Working Papers
Subjects such as monetary policy, credit, and banking regulations; and empiricalresearch on government debt, bond prices and activity, and economic forecastingmodels.
◆ Federal Trade Commission
Markets and competition.
◆International Monetary Fund Working Papers
IMF working papers cover currency issues, internationalmonetary and fiscal policy, debt reduction and relief, and countries such asAsia, Latin America, Africa, and Europe.
◆OECD Economics Working Papers
OECD's working papers cover a wide range of topics essential forunderstanding today's world economy, such as agriculture, energy, environment,trade, and labor markets.
Access to RePEc (Research Papers in Economics),the world's largest collection of on-line economics working papers, journalarticles, and software.
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